
The machine construction begins with the chassis by using the best quality steel materials to put together every kind of parts, which are manufactured with special weldings or self-bolts jamming, then, upon the chassis eight driving wheels sliding on their own lines are joined together by a great and sturdy chain.

The next step is the placing of the engine, being of different kind and brands according to th customer requests : Deutz diesel v8 – Swisel diesel v6 / v8 .
The electric engine is about 180 revolutions per minute and the horsepower varies from 150 to 220 .

The third step is the placing of the three basic bodies of the machine, which are able to produce from 1000 to 30000 blocks daily (it equalizes eight working hours ), depending on the cutting of the materials hardness , they are : the mechanic unit for the upright cutting, the mechanic unit for the horizontal cutting and the mechanic unit for the shifting movement .

The last one is moved by an hydraulic engine that is supplied by belts belonging to the central thermal unit and it is necessary for the shifting movement, which takes place on two lines, having two gear : the reduction one is used when the machine is working and it can be possible to change its speed (0/12 meters per minute), by using an adjustment lever strictly connected to the materials features, and a faster gear when the machine is stopped, for faster movements (0/40 meters per minute ).